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About Katrin

My website and my work want to show you completely new ways to make your life shine in all areas.

Here you will find inspiring insights, powerful tools, Energetic Light Codes and resources to help you ascend into authentic and heartfelt success and leadership, health and a fulfilling life.

The best part is: You will learn along the way how to have wonderfully healed and fulfilling relationships and love relationships, starting with the relationship with yourself.

I left behind an extremely successful life and career in the old paradigm to launch myself into a new life and a new career that was even more successful in the new paradigm. I am living my calling, have recognized what I came here for, am healed and healthy. And I am living a truly fulfilled and authentic life in all aspects.

Nothing can stop us because we are unstoppable!

Nothing can stop the rise.

I am here to support you in navigating this exciting change and using it to your advantage. I help you to grow, expand and evolve through awareness and creation.

And the best part is: This work works on all levels! You will feel the difference: physically, emotionally, mentally and professionally.

My Way

I have long since stopped believing in titles, certificates and licenses. They say nothing about your knowledge, your level of satisfaction and success, or your bank balance. But since many people still act out of their ego and like to see certificates and associate papers with competence and success rather than embodiment, a short list of certificates and licenses from the Old World may reassure you if you are considering working with me.

Basically, you should never consider whether you want to work with me. I will never convince you of it. You have to feel it and be ready for something new, or at least curious. Otherwise we are not a match. Below you will find a few excerpts from my life and my very personal journey in the hope that they will resonate with you if you too are looking for a change and more courage to be truthful and soft. Much love.



which is still so incredibly important to so many people, which causes a lot of suffering for themselves and their children.

I hold a top degree in Journalism and Communication Studies, Empirical Social Research and Sports Science from the University of Hamburg, and an MBA-like Finance Degree for Senior Executives from the Stockholm School of Economics.

My corporate personality tests love boxing. And because I was a "maverick," my executive profiling wanted to let me know that I am an INTJ-A, the rarest Myers-Briggs profile, just like Elon Musk or Stephen Hawking. So I'm in good company. Apparently only 0.8% of all women worldwide are INTJs. Because of my (r)evolutionary views and approaches, I was also allowed to take an IQ test once, and according to the test, I am in the top 2% of the IQ spectrum in Germany in the Old Matrix. I could also proudly report that I once wrote the best accounting exam in the Rhine-Main Chamber of Industry and Commerce district when I became a publishing clerk. Or that I once won a math competition and wrote one of the best statistics exams of my year at the University of Hamburg - even though I always had the worst grades in the Old Matrix before that.

When I was able to access knowledge according to my needs, I was always the Gold Star. When I had to learn by heart and regurgitate content according to the average rules, I was always internally checked out. I think the current educational institutions are what the name promises. And I am really looking forward to the new learning and education system that we, the architects of the new, are now building together.

My classic career path,

because I have that too; for me there is no "either/or", but only "and I will make that possible for myself if my soul feels it now"

In addition to Otherworldly Success, I work as a transformation consultant and interim manager and advise companies, executives and entrepreneurs on change processes such as growth planning, company transitions, restructuring, M&A's, risk assessment, organizational development and positioning issues. I have a strong footprint in the health and medical sector and, according to my astrology, I have also come to revolutionize the healthcare system and leadership and working methods in companies. I currently divide my time between the USA and Germany and am involved in management and management consulting in both regions in order to prepare revolutionary companies and those that want to become revolutionary for the new era and to initiate growth after the shift.


For a long time, I was a top 150 leader in a global NASDAQ group that produces and sells hygiene, health and medical products, with global responsibility for change management, corporate and investor relations communication for tens of thousands of people.

Since I was 22, I have only held management roles - whether in marketing, brand management, public relations, campaign management, or corporate communications.

My True Career Path

and everything that I have kept secret for a long time, what my heart is attached to, and what I would like to share with you

Ich will Dir zeigen und ermgölichen, dass die Anerkennung Deiner spirituellen Essenz einem Top Management Umfeld und auch einem großen beruflichen, gesundheitlichen, beziehungstechnischen und finanziellen Erfolgssmodell nicht im Wege stehen müssen. Im Gegentei: Es wird Dich beflügeln und so unfassbar erfüllt glücklich machen, wenn Du Deine Essenz mutig lebst. Spoiler Alert: Du wirst so viele inspirieren und in Deinen Bann ziehen. Trau Dich. Sei mutig. Sei anders. Das, was wir hatten, hat uns genau hierher gebracht. Und Hand aufs Herz: Gefällts Dir? Na also ...

Rewind Button: Ich praktiziere seit 2001 den Yoga und bin tatsächlich auch in der 4D-Welt ausgebildete Yogalehrerin, Meditationslehrerein, und Ayurveda-Therpeutin. Ich lebe den Ayurveda konsequent seit meinem ersten Ayurveda Klinik Aufenthalt 2018, der damals den Startschuss für mich legte meinen Konzernjob zu kündigen und nach Asien als Studentin Alter Weisheitlsehren der Metaphysik zurückzukehren. Ich hatte bis dato sehr viel ausprobiert, um meine physische, emotionale und mentale Gesundheit wiederherzustellen, die durch ständige Jetlags, Deadlines der Alten Zeit, und Ups and Downs gekennzeichnet war. Die Liste meiner Arzt-Befunde nach 20 Jahren Adrenalinsucht, Sportsucht und Dauerstress war so lang wie das New Yorker Telefonbuch. Manches war lebensbedrohlich. Sukzessive habe ich begonnen, mich als CEO meines Lebens in allen Lebensbereichen zu begreifen und mir ein interdisziplinäre Leadership Team aufzustellen, um phyisch, emotional und mental wieder in die Balance zu kommen und schnell gemerkt, dass es nur ein bisschen Wissen und Disziplin braucht, um meine Energie und Intution dahin zu navigieren, dass mein physischer, mentaler, emotionaler, spiritueller und emotionaler Körper optimal nachhaltig  und liebevoll begleitend als Parnter an meiner Seite ist. Ich habe die Ärzte losgelassen, und fokussierte mich auf das, was das Alte Matrix Schulmedizin System des Westens, das hoch korrumpiert ist, nicht zu bieten hat: Nachhaltige, natürliche Heilung. Zurück in die göttliche höchste Ordnung, mein Geburtsrecht. Ich wurde in mehrfacher Hinsicht gesund. Und ich teile von Herzen gerne die Shortcuts dessen, was funktioniert und warum, gepaart mit Energetischer Arbeit und den Heilfrequenzen von Grace Integrity®.

Gelernt habe ich bei großartigen Menschen und Institutionen, deren Input und Unterstützung ich heute ein neues Leben verdanke. Sie haben Saaten gelegt, die mir ermöglicht haben, meinen Weg immer ein Schrittchen weiter zu gehen. Heute wirke ich jedoch überwiegend mit den Frequenzen von Grace Integrity®, weil sie mir selbst auch sehr gut getan haben und sich mein Leben noch einmal sehr stark von einem 3D-Erleben meiner Welt über 4D und meine Studien-Jahre in Asien nach 5D ins Wiedererlangen meiner seelengeführten Intuition geführt hat und mich darin hat wachsen lassen, fast nur  noch mit Frequenzen zu wirken, ganz am Verstand vorbei, für die direkte Anbindung an die höchste göttliche Intelligenz und Ordnung.


  • Energetische Clearerin in Grace Integrity® by Patricia Saint Clair

  • Masterin von Grace Integrity® by Patricia Saint Clair)

  • Mediale Beraterin der Neuen Zeit in Grace Integrity@ by Patricia Saint Clair

  • Masterin der Aufrichtungsheilung und Energetischen Enstörerung in Grace Integrity@ by Patricia Saint Clair

  • Oneness Rose Creation Manifestations Coach der Neuen Zeit in Grace Integrity@ by Patricia Saint Clair

  • Wingwave High Performance Coach (Mental Movement, Deutschland)

  • Ayurveda Lifestyle Therapy (Scott Caldecott Dogwood Botanical School, Kanada)

  • Yoga- und Ayurveda Therapeutin (Mathatitu Yoga Ashram, Indien)

  • Pilateslehrer Ausbildung (Pilatesbody, Deutschland)

  • Funktionale Trainerin (TRX Academy, Deutschland)

  • Kettlebell Training (Russioan Kettlebell Academy, Deutschland)

  • Embodicode Mentorin für Metaphysische Business- und Lifestyle Optimierung (Alisha Belluga von IntuGrace, Deutschland)

  • Rapid Transformation Hypnose Therapie (Marisa Peers, England)

  • Pranayama/Breathwork und Meditation (Prana Ji, Indien) 

  • Holistische Ernährungs- und Gesundheitsberaterin ( Akademie für Naturheilkunde, Schweiz)

  • Meditationslehrerin (DavidJi Academy, USA)

  • Buddhismus Studien (Kopan Monastery, Nepal)

  • Thai Body Work & Thai Healing Arts (Master Teacher Joe Khumlee, Weißer Tempel Chiang Mai, Thailand)

  • Reiki Masterin 3. Grades und Clearvoyance Ausbildung (Dr. Sunil Chandran, Indien)

  • Neuroscience Studien (The Heartmath Institute, USA & Dr. Joe Dispenza, USA)

  • Somatic Trauma Therapy (USA)

Me and Competitive Sports

with its light and dark sides and why I jokingly say that I lived the first 40 years of my life as a man.

When I was young, I won every possible certificate of honour at the national youth games. I was a child athlete and a sprinter and relay runner until I was a teenager. I competed at the national level and got to know the ups and downs of competitive sport. I was good at discipline, overcoming pain, and always pushing myself further. I know what it's like to be so fit that you can boast 10.5% body fat - but then live for years without a period. I know what it's like to act out of ego when lifting weights, on the track, in the CrossFit box, on the bike, on the ergometer and also at the beginning of yoga asanas, which leads to physical, hormonal, immune, mental and emotional imbalances and sometimes dramatic results in my medical findings and my life. I also did competitive sport at work, otherwise I wouldn't have been so successful so early. My motto was always: "Go hard or go home." And so, because of my health imbalances, I was actually almost called home several times at a very young age... What I am telling you here was life-threatening, and I have recreated it. So my knowledge is based on experience. I always joke that I lived the first 40 years of my life as a man and rarely perceived life consciously, I just functioned. My healing journey was an intensive process of returning to myself, to my self-worth, my womanhood, my vulnerability, and to balance, truthfulness, and lightness - without constant performance, self-flagellation, and pressure to be perfect. I had to learn the hard way to alternate between tension and relaxation, discipline and devotion, adrenaline and oxytocin, and male and female energies. That is why I am uncompromising in this regard today and know what quickly has the greatest leverage for balance and (self-)awareness in body, mind, and soul, and above all in hormone levels, especially in women. An area that is still not given enough attention, particularly by us cyclical beings in the West. My knowledge of sports science, Asian body healing, Oriental medicine, competitive sports and top management is useful to me and my clients. Because in the end, it is not very effective to listen to a doctor, trainer or therapist and to hear their views - if they have never managed this balancing act between performance at the highest level and at the same time the highest level of consciousness, between a huge head and a huge open heart. Listen to those who embody the knowledge because they have the experience!

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