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A Real-Life Teaching On Love And Grace (Integrity)®

Last week I was at the train station, standing on the platform when an angry woman approached me. She was screaming at me. "Look what nonsense they've created, and look where our tax money goes." I'm not gonna lie. The wave of negative energy hit me for two seconds. That woman was spitting pure hatred. And then I remembered what LOVE actually means: Equanimity. The complete acceptance of what is, without any negative emotional charge. And I activated my energetic minefield, made sure I expanded my electromagnetic field, and I breathed deeply into my heart space. I asked her what was upsetting her so much. She pointed at a pole that had a big button attached to it. And when you pressed the button, a speaker's voice told you the train station's name. So far, so good. Applying just a bit of common sense, you can ask yourself how a blind person completely unaware of the existence of that speaker pole would ever be able to find it. Also, you would completely negate the intelligence of that blind person, assuming he or she didn't know where to go to catch a train. But whatever. As with all things in a 3D world, things sometimes are what they are, and the false matrix's laws (which also includes the so-called "handicapped" people's laws) - and that is why this false matrix is now collapsing in front of our eyes. And so I replied: "Well if there's one thing we can appreciate here is that at least they've made an effort to be inclusive." She went on another big rant. And I asked: "Who are you helping with your anger? Does it make the pole go away? Does it improve the laws for handicapped people? Does it change the allocation of tax money? Does it improve your mood and inner peace? Do you feel better now that you're spitting it out and passing it onto your environment, including me, without having asked for my permission to be spit on and receive your anger?" She was puzzled. And calmed down. I put her in Grace Integrity®. My voice was very calm and loving when I talked to her. Not in an esoteric lully way, which is often what unconscious people confuse with "being spiritual". I was kind. But I was firm. I saw a shift in her eyes. I was holding up a mirror of Christ Consciousness back at her. She saw that she was hurting herself by cultivating and spreading anger. Jesus wasn't esoteric - he kicked corruption out of the temple. He was firm. He wasn't walking around with a soft-spoken esoteric lullaby voice. He took action. He was an exemplar.

And there are a few points here that I'm trying to make:

1. Love is not what you think it is. We are taught by the False Matrix to confuse joy and bliss and dopamine rushes with love. That is BS. Love is equanimity. The absence of all triggers. The pure acceptance of what is. You're comfortable with whatever and whoever arises. That's unconditional love.

2. Don't confuse esoteric lullabies with spirituality. Don't fall into the trap of "all love and light" - especially if you do not yet understand what love really is ... Not all is love and light. Actually, based on the laws of metaphysics, there will ALWAYS be an equal amount of love and light present. Otherwise, without that balance, everything in existence would shift out of balance and collapse. There would be no more lifeforce. And it is time that you understand and innerstand that. Our job is not to participate in a 4D esoteric "all love and light" virtue signaling. Our job is to show up, sometimes in the middle of darkness, and alchemize that into light. Period. Be an alchemist, and you will be an unconditional lover of all things and circumstances in existence.

3. Do not avoid "darkness" when it arises. Use it as a template for growth and expansion. Take the energy, alchemize it, and elevate it. That, and only that, will help you elevate those around you. You don't do it by words. You do it by being an exemplar. Back in the days when I was a student of traditional Yoga (which means Union, and not making pretzel shapes, please understand that) in a 4D world in India for two years, my teacher back there always told me that a Yogi's (meaning a practitioner of Union and Oneness, not a practitioner of shapes of the Circe de Soleil, to be clear again) job is to leave the universal campground better than he found it when he arrived. Yoga was my first practice of Union, many years ago. Today, my daily practice has evolved into the practice of Grace Integrity® where I connect with a teacher and a group of likehearted individuals in an energy field where we train Union every day by attuning our frequency and our whole state of being to it. We work with light code transmissions and clearings. We aim to be the best energy managers and energy alchemists that we can be - to fuel and change ourselves and to bring that fuel and change into the world. No pretzel shapes or headstands are required. Just being and embodying the awareness of one thing: Christ Consciousness. Not in the biblical sense, not by following Christianity. Because once you truly begin to innerstand what Christ Consciousness is and what behaviors it endorses, you let go of all religion that is an identity marker and an element of division. You let go of all man-written books that are here to manipulate the masses and create further division. But you tune into the divine, everlasting, and universal traits of Christ Consciousness, and those embody alchemy, union, love in the sense of equanimity, and a strongly felt sense of duty for the elevation of everything and everyone around us, starting with ourselves and our own daily behavior.

Old ego-me would have ignored the woman.

Old ego-me would have joined the rant.

Old ego-me would have yelled back at her.

Christ-Consciousness-me was an exemplar of peace, love, strength, and change.

Namaste, friends.

I hope this was helpful. So next time you get approached by a ranter (which I'm sure you will, because this is the time when all egos are being called to purify, and not everyone is hearing the call or doing the inner work) - just stand in your power. And respond accordingly. Love is the answer. Always. But love is not the hormonal happy-clappy dopamine rush. It is equanimity and acceptance, which leads to elevation. That elevation is called ascension. And we're all being called to ascend now. By our daily actions and responses.


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