MEDITATION: I'm Living My Dream Now (Soul Impulse Booster)
You can create your dream life. But you won't manage it on the drawing board and in your thoughts alone. You have to open up your rooms, furnish them, and live in them. Like in a villa or mega-mansion with many rooms, you can - from deep within your subconscious and guided by your soul - furnish room after room with the most beautiful and best, and walk through your inner rooms again and again and see, feel, hear, and taste everything there until it shows up on the outside. You can also redecorate as you like and feel comfortable. But you need clarity for that.
With this morning meditation, you will start the day out of bed as a true creator with the most beautiful experiences and a joyful stroll in your inner spaces. Find contact with the voice of your soul and experience the truth and clarity within you. Experience the enthusiasm of creating and living exactly that.
This is about your dream life, beyond the limitations of the mind that keeps you small. Here you dream and manifest yourself, guided by your soul, directly from your heart's magnetic field into the most beautiful, colorful and successful life that you love.
This powerful audio will help you get up in the morning to align yourself for success and your best life. Morning after morning, we will rewrite your success programs and your magnetic field in a powerful way to attract only the best things into your life and to live your success the way you truly want it.
In a 20-minute hypnosis session, you visualize your dream life and how you really want it to be from now on. Your soul guides you and knows the way. But your mind keeps getting in the way with its stories and old programs about why it only works this way or why something is supposedly not possible. You then see the result in the mirror image of your current reality.
The good news is: With this visualization, you put your mind in the back seat and your soul takes over the leadership of creating and magnetizing by allowing your own success and well-being coordinates to emerge deeply and carefully from within yourself and your soul's voice.
Success begins and ends in the subconscious and is always created inside before it shows up on the outside. Your feelings and your soul's desires equip and magnetize your hologram, with which you magnetize, send and receive.
The more truly you can see, feel, taste and believe your new successful and happy life, the faster it will appear on the outside. This audio will help you feel and visualize with the clarity and irresistible magnetism that calls manifestations into your life.
Stop following old, outdated programs about how your life and success should look. Simply create it yourself, from deep within your soul, and you will be amazed at how quickly the cosmic support is at your side and the cosmic current delivers you exactly what your inner desire magnet puts into the field. It's a law. It has to be that way.
Here we rewrite your success programs and your magnetic field morning after morning in a powerful alignment.
I wish you and your soul many magical moments while creating.
Bring the magic of the quantum field to your side.