The Great Awakening is much more than geopolitics and the exposure of corruption and an anti-lifeforce agenda of a destructive force that is the polar opposite of the creative force as an enabler of evolution. The Great Awakening is also very much connected to the rediscovery of Infinite Knowledge around what everything is, has been, and ever will be: Infinite Energy. The Golden Knowledge of the Light encompasses the sacred wisdom around the true character of water, which is indeed holy water as the bearer of information codes from the beginning of times.
Water has been around and carries information since the beginning of time
Water has existed for quintillions of years of creation here in our universe and different universes and different dimensions of the past, present, and future moments. It's been recycled through the eons and galaxies forever - and therefore carries exactly that limitless and timeless information. Scientists still can not understand water and the quantum movements of water especially the full connection water has to the body, mind, and spirit dimensions of our being.
The discovery of a fourth state of water nobody knew about -
the plasma state
The Sacredness of water in the human body is not only connected to cell nourishment and life force. It is also connected to time travel. Infinity. For centuries it was believed that matter can only exist in three states. Such as water, which can exist as liquid, ice, and vapor. Human cells are seventy percent water but most of this water is not in any of these three states. We have recently learned that with water, there is a fourth state. This fourth state is called the plasma state, gel phase, exclusion zone, or structured water. And this is what pushes your blood through the entire cardiovascular system.
Fueled by infrared energy from its environment, the water in our body becomes an electrical propulsion system. A certain percentage of the water in our body becomes structured water, and the rest remains normal liquid water or bulk water. The structured water becomes negatively charged and forms the gelatinous outer walls of our capillaries, veins, and arteries. These negatively charged outer walls continuously propel the positively charged bulk water within, carrying the blood with it. This propulsion system will run indefinitely so long as it stays charged. And the way you charge it is with the earth’s electromagnetic field, infrared energy, and positive thought.
The work of Dr. Emoto awakens the secret life and consciousness of water - and unlocks ancient secrets of health and healing
The work of Dr. Masaru Emoto has scientifically demonstrated that water exposed to loving human words and thoughts is transformed into its natural hexagonal shape. It becomes structured at a molecular level based on our positive intentions.
Latest scientific discovery: The blood pumps the heart - not the other way round
This new model shows that it is the blood that pumps the heart, not the other way around. To keep the flow strong and healthy, our best medicine is to connect to the earth, get sunlight, love ourselves, and love one another with physical touch.
Another secret: There are trace amounts of gold in our bloodstream that act as a conductor and initiate the spark of life in us
We have indeed a Golden Heart or a Heart of Gold. You will be amazed how much truth there is to this saying. Gold in its purest form does not appear to be gold at all. Under the right conditions, normal physical gold can be transformed into a fine white powder known as monoatomic gold. This monoatomic gold has been studied by multiple advanced laboratories and it has very strange properties. It can be made to levitate and disappear. Monoatomic gold is superconductive. One of the ways of turning metallic gold into monoatomic gold is by putting it through a high-speed vortex. When this transformation occurs, there is a flash of light and a forty-four percent loss in weight. The trace amounts of gold in our blood are transformed into monoatomic gold as it travels through the double vortices in the heart. Creating the spark of life. This vortex system creates an energetic field around the heart. This information is shared by Doctors and several renowned scientists across the world.
Studies have shown that the power of plasma water and monoatomic gold in the body is known to create the energy and spark of life connected to infinite energy and quantum fields that connect multiple dimensions. The vortex around the heart moves through the entire body and quadrillions of water molecules in the human cells can be activated for healing properties, connecting and changing molecular structures of the universe and connected to time travel at Quantum levels.
Many great geniuses, sophisticated cultures, and ancient masters have understood the sacredness of water
Many of the great wisdom keepers and ancient masters have understood the sacredness of the body and prayed to the water. They all knew anything was possible by the creation of the divine. Imagine what poisoned water does to our ecosystem as a planet and as an individual being with the heart vortex being our initiator of life force and a magnet for our love and creations? Imagine what synthetic chemicals and chlorine throughout the world can do to deactivate the water plasma field. There is a reason why - as part of the great awakening - we are waking up to the true meaning of water again. There is a reason why those who are leading the conscious movement are focusing their energy on unplugging their minds, caring about the molecular structure of the water they consume, and putting a firm but peaceful "Stopp" to the war on their DNA and bodies - their physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic bodies. The more you reconnect with the divine aspects in you, the more you insist on divine treatment, mutual respect, and loving nourishment.
We are more now consciously experiencing the next chapters of creation and the sacred secret meaning behind the elements of Water (Quantum), Earth (forever vibrating energy fields in different forms), Wind (the breath of life and movement), Fire (the Light and the spark of life Infinite and Transformation). Ayurveda, the ancient Science of Life, has been writing about this for 5,000 years. It's time to tap back into this sacred knowledge to increase our love and respect and become aware of our impact. We are all divine, we are all of the above elements, and we all recognize ourselves in eath other with one sole purpose: To walk eath other home, realize what we are - and to leave the old Matrix by realizing the divine aspects in ourselves.