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Documentary: How 2024 Financially Relates To The 1930s

One of the world's most renowned Success Experts once stated pattern recognition and interconnected thinking are THE keys to success in an ever-changing world. I'd say it's more intuition and awareness - but that's going to be the next level development stage for humanity that's going to replace thinking, as we're moving from the limitations of the intellect towards the power of intuition. To understand the financial landscape in 2024, it's worth going back to the 1930s if you want to use your intellect. The ones who've shifted towards intuition have probably already:

  • gotten rid of all debt, debt-base business models, or don't do business with people who leverage debt (no matter what the "Gurus" of the old age are advocating)

  • sold their stocks and shares

  • moved their money out of the banks and invested in assets outside of the system

  • are following their intuition and downloads - instead of the news stream and instead of running with the "gurus" and the herd

  • know that while the dark side is moving, the light is at work, too, and there is something bigger going on that goes way beyond the intellect

  • understand that anything that involves "Central" and "Monopole" is not here to stay on the new earth in the Aquarian Age because we're rapidly shifting towards shared assets, joint power, and conscious creation

  • understand that with Pluto quickly touching Capricorn (institutions, corporations, old structures) for the last time in late summer until moving back to Aquarius for many, many years after that, the old institutional and corporate structures as we know them will be no more, with Pluto not only being the Great Transformer but also representing the energy force of Death and Rebirth

The ones who haven't made their moves yet ...

well, for those I want to recommend a movie by David Webb. David, a former financial industry professional with a background in managing public equities and hedge funds, resides on a small farm near Stockholm, Sweden. Webb's experience spans critical financial events such as the Asian financial crisis and the dot-com bubble and bust. His book, "The Great Taking," exist to provide a deeper understanding of the financial system and its profound implications.

Webb's unique insight into fund flows and the scale of money creation led to his realization of the Federal Reserve's significant influence on financial markets. At a time when such a notion was dismissed as conspiracy, Webb discovered that the Federal Reserve's creation of money occasionally equaled or exceeded 1% of the US GDP in a single week, a rate that outpaced economic growth and indicated a breakdown in the transmission of money creation into real economic activity.

He identified a critical factor: the velocity of money, or the rate at which money circulates through the economy, was collapsing. This condition resembled the era of the Great Depression and the world wars. Webb's study of historical financial collapses informed his financial strategies, allowing him to successfully navigate market turmoil and protect his clients.

The insights Webb gained into the financial markets led him to recognize the dangers of the derivatives market's explosive growth. He foresaw the impending financial crisis, which was confirmed by the rapid expansion of asset-backed securities and the manipulation of the credit underwriting process.

Webb's discoveries about the changes in the legal treatment of securities ownership were alarming. The introduction of the concept of "security entitlements" transformed the nature of ownership, placing investors at risk during insolvencies. He noted the shift from personal property to a weaker contractual claim, the pooling of securities, and changes to bankruptcy laws that favored secured creditors. Webb's extensive research into the history of securities law, the role of central securities depositories, and the mechanisms of the derivatives market reveal a disturbing trajectory. He argues that a controlled collapse is imminent, facilitated by changes in interest rates and legal structures designed to transfer collateral to the most powerful financial institutions.

The urgency of his message is underscored by the recent bank failures and the preparation for "solvent wind-down" of systemically important banks.

Webb believes that the collapse of the financial system could be triggered at any moment, leading to the seizure of global securities and a reset that would place immense power in the hands of a few.

His vision for a better future involves public control of central banking, the simplification of the tax system, and legal opposition to the current financial constructs. As a call to action, Webb encourages individuals to eliminate debt, invest in tangible assets, and be prepared for economic challenges.

A free PDF book that's currently floating around - up to the very top of Finance

Webb's book, "The Great Taking," is available for free as a PDF at, with hard copies available for purchase. His aim is to spread awareness and knowledge globally, to stimulate legal challenges to the financial system, and to inspire action from all levels of society.

This is the Documentary "The Great Taking" - it is free to watch (ENGLISH VERSION)

🇩🇪 Und hier die deutschsprachige Version der Dokumentation

The Great Taking – Das Große Nehmen

David Webb erzählt, was am Finanzmarkt gerade passiert, was dafür vorbereitet wurde und warum es mit 1932 vergleichbar ist. Willst Du verstehen, was gerade warum passiert? Ansehen! Die Insider-Sicht auf die Finanzmarktsituation.

Aus dem Film:

"Es ist unbewusst aus dem Ruder gelaufen! Wir müssen es also bewusst machen! Bis in die obersten Ebenen des Systems. Wir müssen uns versuchen vorzustellen, mit wem wir es hier zu tun haben. (…)

Es gibt einen Kopf der Schlange, aber er kann nichts alleine machen. (…) Wir müssen Menschen auf hohen Ebenen in diesem System erreichen. Es gibt nicht nur einen Kopf der Schlange, es ist eine Hydra, es gibt viele Köpfe. (…) Man muss in der Lage sein, die Gesamtheit zu zeigen. (…)

Ich glaube wir stehen kurz davor, dass dieser Zusammenbruch ausgelöst wird. Was sind die Anzeichen dafür? Am wichtigsten ist, was mit den Zinsätzen geschehen ist und das Ausmaß der Insolvenzen die es gibt, wird nicht diskutiert.

Die einzige Möglichkeit, dass das Finanzsystem nicht zusammengebrochen ist, besteht darin, dass es eine große verborgene Hand gibt, die jede Menge geschaffenes Geld direkt in die Finanzmärkte pumpt und sie so aufrechterhält. (…) Wie könnte das gut gehen? Der erste Schritt ist, dieses Bewusstsein auf die höchsten Ebenen zu bringen. Das wird für NIEMANDEN gut ausgehen.

Die Leute haben die Vorstellung, dass alles einfach zusammenbricht. Das glaube ich überhaupt nicht. Es gibt eine reale Welt, die trotzdem weiterläuft. (…) Es ist ein System das die Menschen unterjocht, und wann das aufhört, wird alles sofort besser. (…) Wir müssen die Kontrolle über unsere Gesellschaft zurückerobern, die größtenteils von guten Menschen erschaffen wurde. (…) Anarchie und Chaos können wir nicht gebrauchen, es muss friedlich zugehen. (…) Wenn man alle Kriege beendet, wenn man alle kriminellen Aktionen einstellt, könnte man die Größe der Regierung auf das Maß reduzieren, das der Menschheit tatsächlich nützt. (…)

Wir werden von Konstrukten regiert, und wenn sie der Menschheit nicht dienen, müssen sie gestoppt werden! (…) Es muss auf legale Weise geschehen, es muss auf legale Weise bekämpft werden. (…) Ratschläge für die Menschen: Ihr Glück ist wichtig und das Glück mit ihrer Familie und sie sollten nicht zulassen, das finanzielle Erwägungen ihre Familie in die Verzweiflung treibt. Man muss in der Lage sein diese Jahre zu überstehen." 

Happy watching!


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