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How to create and upgrade a high-VALUE business

If you want to run a high-value business, you have to become aware of the highest values that you sign up with and lign up with. Hence the term alignment.

Here's the trap and the starting point of it all: When we talk about YOU running a business that's based upon YOUR highest values, we have to become aware of what YOU really is and what YOU we are talking about.

The ego part and lower intelligence part of you will always copy and paste other peoples' or organizations' values because they perceivably sell well, or the ego perceives you have to comply with these values that are not your own. With the ego being the lowest vibrational frequency because it is zero authentic, you can imagine how that goes. You will always run a low-value business that is not the highest possible creation of your own. Results will come as slow as your vibrational frequency is, and the business will always feel as tight and restricted as the ego you is creating from that low point of attraction and creation.

The real self part will dive deep into its own values. It won't settle for low and it won't settle for low value. It will find that set of highest values that are non-negotiable and aligned with the highest good and values of all. Therefore, because it's coming from an ascended, uplifted, high-frequency, and high-value point of attraction, it will attract high, uplift the ones that it touches, and ascend the business through the ascension of others. Hence the term value creation.

Now, you see, conscious creation and unconscious compliance are two very different things and frequencies. One is highly attractive and creative and opens up big rooms for continuous growth. The other one will eventually destroy itself or will be destroyed as the old power structures that demand compliance are currently dismantling themselves. It is based on restrictions, submission, and fear - and it is therefore a very unattractive and low-value business.

That's why the ones who train with me run businesses that are of the highest value. That's why they reach their previously perceived annual targets in weeks or a few months. That's why they allow for their constant growth and therefore re-alignment to bigger rooms, bigger goals, and bigger values. They continuously let go of clients, partners, or structures that limit their growth and compromise their values. They trust in their creative abilities. They lead and don't just play along, tapping into the "little me" stories of their ego mind. They've identified the ego part in themselves, have made peace with it, and use it for what it's been given us for: the execution of a few administrative and structural things because that's what the ego is good at.

So you see that building or running a high-value business has all to do with your highest values and your highest ability to detect, live, and create the highest value. Numbers are just a side effect of that. It all, as always, starts with the inner work. That's why I always start with values when I work with people. And by that I mean their highest values. Their truest values, and not their ego values. That's my contribution to my own and others' highest-value business. It's essentially, that I'm so good at creating value by supporting others to carve out and create their values ...

I know, it sounds too simple to be perceived as truth. But simple truths have always been simply true. And once you innerstand how the universe works and once you innerstand the concept of magnetism and the highest point of attraction, it really IS that simple ... There has always been all the power in simplicity.

Much love on this value (r)evolution!

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