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In a nutshell: 3D, 4D and 5D Realities explained

The 3D reality runs on a rigid and rigged structured set of rules and limited beliefs. In 3D we believe that bodies are solid and can’t merge or walk through walls everything is subject to gravity. Physical objects cannot disappear and we cannot read another person's mind. There’s a solid belief in duality and judgment and fear runs rampant.  

There is a lack of connection with the soul, with Spirit, and the communication with the other side of the veil. The veil is the set of rules and limited beliefs placed upon humanity centuries ago by the powers that wanted to rule the world.

The 3D is the non-spiritual, non-intuitive, linear, basic, superficial ego-driven dimension.

The 4th dimension is the bridge many are at right now and will be relatively for a short period of time. Traveling through the 4th dimension is preparing us for the 5th dimension. The feelings of the 4d are moments of Awakening. The moments of chaos and confusion when everything in us and around us seems lighter, things are less ridged and fear is dissolving. 

Time is no longer linear in the 4th dimension and in my experience that causes some problems. Standing in 3D with one foot and in the quantum multi-layered experience of truth can be very confusing.

To live in the 5th dimensional state of consciousness and stay there all your mental and emotional baggage must be left at the door. No fear, hostility, judgment, or guilt exists there. You will have mastery over thought and manifestation is instantaneous. 

This does not mean you will no longer be triggered into the 3D ego experience no more. But it will lose its grip over you as the heart grows stronger, the vibration intensifies and the light you carry will anchor you permanently into the vertical Pilar of Light that you are between your Source and the Earth.

People will again communicate through telepathy which means we will be able to read each other’s thoughts and feelings. The experience of time is radically different some describe it as everything happening at once. There is no distinction between past, present, and future.

All spiritual powers will return as we evolve by healing our Minds and Body,s through Spirit.

Quantum healing will be the norm and disease will be the exception.

We are in transitional times meaning we are experiencing the death of third dimensional reality. We are seeing this in our current reality today with the old 3D structure breaking down. This rigid, fear-based structure of control can no longer exist in a higher vibrational reality and we’re seeing that playing out right before our eyes on the world stage.  

So basically what we’re seeing is one whole structure of reality collapsing to make way for a new higher reality brought on by these higher frequencies that are transforming our world.  These will be radical times because everything that doesn’t serve us in this higher reality will fall away. 

Souls that have incarnated into these physical bodies will be able to take our human uniforms with us into the higher dimension if we choose. Doing this is seen as the next step in humanity’s evolution.  

So take care of your mental emotional and physical body. Invest in anchoring your vertical intuitive heart connection by accepting your Soul, 's path by choosing your master. 

Are you driven by ego or are you driven by Spirit? The Holy Spirit is the integration of the Source Energy we call God or Creative Force, to drive your Mind and Body. For those who have recognized their true calling, it is about living in service of Source Energy, Humanity, and Planet Earth to aid the creation of the 5D Heaven on Earth. The Golden Age. Which is not a new physical plane, but a state of consciousness.

You have a choice to resist these changes or actively participate in them. 

There is no right way to make this journey it’s completely an individual experience and it’s up to you how you make it happen.

Choose your path.

Choose your timeline.

Choose your dimension.

Choose your guide.

For the time is now.

Our souls are calling and being called.

You know if it's you.

Time to wake up from the induced dream.

And stand up for the Truth of who you are.

Authenticity. Truth.

Creators as part of Creation.

A unique interpretation of Source Energy.

-Inspired by the wonderful Danielle Stoteijn

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