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Massive Light Triggers Massive Shadows Right Now. Play In The Dark!

We've had massive influxes of light for over a week, the Schuman Resonance is off the chart, and solar flares are reaching this planet nonstop. And it so happens to be that with every influx of light comes an opening and an expansion, and into that bigger room not only light enters, but also the shadow, in equal amounts. This is what most people don't want to realize, recognize, and accept. The whole 4D world of fake spirituality is being built upon "framing everything positive", and that "there is only love and light". And those are the ones that fail on the path of life because they fail the path of spiritual reality. They are denying, disowning, and suppressing that part within them that makes up 50% of the universe: Darkness!

The interplay of darkness and light - the holy sexuality, the merger of polar energies, is the base of all creation

Everything in the universe is polarity, and therefore 50% light and 50% shadow. If it wasn't an equal amount of these polarities, there would be no balance and the whole universe would collapse.

By denying, disowning, and suppressing that darkness, our energetic container shrinks. We lie to ourselves. And we deny the 50% that are our make-up as a part of the universe: Darkness.

It is not about just acknowledging that 50% "dark" side in all of existence and therefore in us. It is about learning to alchemize it. We sit with the darkness, we make it bigger, we blow it up, we feel it deeply, we play in the dark, we dance with the devil, we love the devil, we acknowledge it, we don't resist it. And then we lovingly kiss that darkness, and we intentionally begin to realize what it is: It is just energy and a very necessary form of energy that - again - makes up 50% of existence and therefore 50% of our being. We can use that energy. It is just waiting there as a cosmic gift, waiting to be alchemized. For that, we have to consciously destroy, detonate, and implode that dense pattern, make the energy neutral, and pull it back into our heart space.

This is how we elevate ourselves. This is how we ascend. By accepting that natural part of 50% darkness, and by playing with it and transforming it. Not by denying it, disowning it, or suppressing it. We are neither suppressors nor "love and light fakers" - the true power lies in the alchemy, and becoming a master of 50% darkness and 50% light, and continuously alchemizing it into a neutral balance point from which we can create.

Do not fall into the trap that you're creating a dark future if you play in the dark. You will only do that if you dwell in the dark. Instead, love the dark, dance with the devil, and transmute it into angelic light and unity.

If you disown the darkness, which is 50% of all in existence and therefore 50% of you, if you do not learn to alchemize it, you will not grow. You cannot expand.

I myself spent the whole night doing "shadow work", the sacred art of alchemy. It is physically, energetically, emotionally, and mentally exhausting. But it's so worth it because it gives you clarity. And light can only enter rooms that are clear - and free of toxicity.

Be aware that with these massive influxes of light right now, you are inviting in an equal amount of darkness. Do NOT avoid it. Alchemize it. Use it for your advantage and growth. Learn how to be an alchemist. I am happy to teach you how, and my new website will be providing numerous tools for that sacred alchemy journey.

But please - know that this turbulence is normal. Know that more light casts a bigger shadow. Know that you are hindering your growth if you focus on love and light, and disown half of yourself and the universe which is darkness. And know that instead of suppressing, denying, and disowning, only alchemy and transmutation of energy is the path.

- Get soul-embodied

- Learn how to dance in the dark

- Get clarity through clearings

- Learn the process of alchemy

Grace Integrity® is the toolbox that I am predominantly using, and all these tools will be available on my website which is currently being updated. I will talk about GI more in the upcoming podcast series that I will be launching after this current phase of my deep alchemy work. Much love. And dance in the dark. Stop that "love and light" and "let's frame everything positively" bullshit. If you're not being 111% radically honest on this journey of ascension, you might as well leave it. It's either all in (meaning 50% light and 50% darkness and alchemizing that), or it's all out. The choice is yours.

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