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Our eyes can only perceive 0.005% of what's visible - if we rely on our eyes, we're blind

Socrates once said, "Wisdom is knowing how little we know." I would replace knowing with perceiving. The truth is: We base our level of knowledge on our level of perception. So essentially, our knowledge is perceived knowledge that is an illusion and couldn't be further from the truth. Our perception is mainly directed by what we perceive through our eyes, ears, and touch - essentially through the five senses. That's why all ancient practices are based around withdrawing from a five-sense perception of the world. Our eyes are the one organ where we "waste" most of our life force energy. That's why we close our eyes during meditation or during sleep to quiet down and literally shut ourselves off from the outside world and our perceptions - and we go inwards to discover the truth. Our eyes can only perceive 0.005% of the visible light, meaning what's actually and potentially visible. In essence, this means we humans are basically blind with our eyes to see on the tiny band of frequency that we can access and perceive as visible light. That's why it's an actual trap to rely on the eyes to see, and furthermore to let your ego mind think that what it can see is the truth and true ...

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