Talking yourself out of any disturbance and the games of the old Matrix is a simple matter. What it requires is vigilance, love of truth, and the courage to examine a situation in depth, to get to the bottom of things and words, and to find and take your own standpoint.
Your NO, spoken inwardly, disconnects you from the system. This is true even if you still have to act within this system.
In your consciousness, the change begins, from your consciousness every manifestation starts. Your consciousness is the most powerful tool.
As soon as your actions bear the signature of your consciousness, you rush towards your liberation with great strides. Only when you recognize your I in the WE, then agree and say YES!
Let's make this practical:
Whenever you are confronted with the mirror of news about the opposite of love, unity, peace, health, wealth, or liberty, simply state "NO. I disagree and choose differently consciously."
Whenever you are confronted with the mirror of a personality or ego that expresses words or actions not aligned with love, unity, peace, health, wealth, or liberty, simply state "NO. I disagree and choose differently consciously."
Don't enter a space where you fall out of consciousness and back into the ego and start an ego versus ego battle or discussion. It leads nowhere. Remember who you are - you are the consciousness that has decided to come here in this time-space reality to have an experience, to try on a physical form as a body to be able to have that experience and to have thoughts and programs running from the past life and the programmings of the Matrix grid aka a reality that is probably not yours if you're reading this.
Consciousness is always perfect, peaceful, and whole. Practice staying in that space and resting in your true self, which is an everlasting state of awareness and joy. Don't engage with the lower realms. By stating NO and declaring your sincere intent to disengage and by carrying a higher version of the truth in your heart, not only do you experience joy in every minute - but your inner peace and joy program will also contribute to overwriting the Matrix program of fear, division, and control.
You are more powerful than you think.
Consciousness and waking up are the answer to all human perceived "problems".
Consciousness is the only truth that there is, has been, and ever will be.
Waking up is pure freedom peace and bliss.
Nothing has ever had and will ever have control over consciousness.
It's super simple.
Not easy, it requires practice. But it's simple.
Nothing can disturb you but your own unawareness.
You can wake up to yourself in every single second.
Enjoy life.
Love and Namaste.