The more research is being done into the Ancient Wisdom Teachings of the "Holy Books" of Religion, the more apparent it becomes that a lot of content has been edited out and interpreted by mankind. There is a huge conversation going on in the spiritual realm around the rediscovery of "Christ Consciousness" and it is NOT to be confused with the teachings of Christianity. It refers to a Code of Conduct way beyond religion or any religious interpretation of the concept of God, which is the root cause of separation and war-mongering. This Code of Conduct is simple: Honor all Creation, including all living beings and nature. And love the other as yourself. What is astonishing is that self-love does not only include purity of feeling. The ancient teachings also have massive references to the purification of the body, including a super healthy lifestyle and diet. As such, they're very similar to the teachings of Ayurveda which are 5,000 years old. All ancient teachings essentially have love and respect as their core value and its single law, that essentially makes all other laws unnecessary once understood, innerstood, and embodied. In this episode of the "Know Thyself" podcast, Aaron Abke and host Andre Duqum engage in an insightful conversation about the core teachings, the misinterpretations, and a part of history that has not been revealed much to the public. Enjoy!
Born and raised as a pastor's son, Aaron Abke had a unique lens into religion from a young age. This led him ultimately on a spiritual journey of leaving the church and diving into the wisdom teachings of the world and eventually finding what felt most resonant to him. In this episode, he is decoding the mystery of Jesus Christ's life and how his true unedited teachings can help us on our awakening journey. He goes past the 2,000-year-old dogma and misinterpretation surrounding Jesus (or Yeshua) in order to unveil how we can awaken Christ's consciousness within us. Aaron describes the evidence hidden in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the secret teachings of the Essenes, and messages in the actual Bible itself, for an intriguing conversation aimed at bringing truth back to the name of Jesus and supporting you on your own journey.