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The Opposite of Belonging is Fitting in

It might surprise you to hear that the opposite of belonging is fitting in. Don't confuse the two. It's the result of Brené Brown's research, and I find it to be very, very true and the root cause of many, many miseries ... when you try to fit in and compromise true belonging, you're hurting your true self aka soul. Your vibe creates your tribe. Don't bend down on a frequency and consciousness level. It is okay for you to wait for people to meet you where you're at - and to attract them truthfully and authentically. Manifest belonging - don't settle for less. Fitting in is less.

You want compatibility, you don't want compromise!

You're aiming for unconditional love, not for needless and endless pain.

The answer is as always: Self-confidence, self-love, trust, and magnetism.

The driver is as usual: Deep inner work ...


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