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Why do we try to change people?

We try to change peoople because we enter relationships with an imagination and an illusion of what things should be so that we feel more safe or more comfortable. The other person then becomes an enabler of our own imaginationan of what love and the relationship should be like. That is violating a boundary and one of the most important Laws of the Universe, which is: The Soul is always free. And everyone is on their own soul path once they've entered "Earth School" to have their own unique experiences for growth that are important and essential to fulfill their own soul mission. Another person's soul path will never be your soul path. You're only 100% responsbile for your 50% share in a relationship.

And once you start working with the world of Metaphysics, you will realize that not one Astrological or Metaphysical profile is the same. Of course, in our highest octave and purest form we all operate based on the principles of the Universe, which are: We use existing Polarities to create Balance and Harmony, we leverage the Male and Female Energies for Creation, the underlying principle of it all is constant change, learning and therefore expansion, and the underlying values in the highest expression are Authenticity, Love, Fearlessness, and Oneness with it all.

So when we try to change people to suit our needs and to make us feel safe and to deliver to that Ego part in us that wants or needs a person to BEhave in a certain way so that we ourselves feel safe or to act as a supporting actor in our imaginary script of what love and life shoud be, it's not love talking. We're usually too afraid and insecure and not trusting enough to walk away.

Can you compromise on the little things in everyday life? Yes. Can you compromise on the big things in life like lifestyle compatability, personal values and life vision? No. You cannot interfere with a person's soul plan and unique learning experiences that are necessary for that person to comoplete their soul plan. Never ever. Especially if you truly love a person. If you feel the urge to do that, go back to yourself. Go back to your own fears and insecurites, your feelings of anger, jealousy, and overwhelm. And find that power and security deep within yourself. That is training. That is alchemy. It is learning to change how to manipulate and neutralize electrical charge which we call emotions.

When you ARE love in its highest and purest form and in its highest octave, you can be with a person free of judgement and the urge to change them to suit your needs. And if your current collaboration and co-learning experience here on "Earth School" is intolerable, find the security to leave lovingly and train to attract a more suitable experience for yourself. It all starts from within you, it is all training: Being the love instead of finding the love, being secure instead of craving the security from others, and living your own unique soul path that is in total integrity and alignment with what you are and what you've come for, in co-creation and collaboration with others who are energetically and metaphysically aligned, instead of using and abusing others to play a part in your own script.

So please take away that if you're trying to change others, it's an unhealed and currently unfulfilled part in yourself that you're trying to get from others. Please take aways that you're violating the Law of Free Will if you're trying to change others. And please take away that if it's not in total harmony, integrity and alignment, you both either find joy in working on creating that integrity and alignment, or you're currently too insecure or too afraid to walk away. And that is a wonderful insight, which can always be changed and transformed via training how to free yourself of expectations, needs, and fear. It is learning and training how to tame your Ego and how to return to Love and Wholeness and to rediscover that deep within yourself, which is the essence of my work.

For all my German-speaking Love mavericks: If this resonates, I invite you to join my Audio Trainsformation "Beziehungen der Neuen Zeit" where we talk about rediscovering Love in ourselves in its highest Octave and to align all our personal and business relationships with it.

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