For those of you who've climbed the corporate ladder at some point in their lives and who've sat in on the corporate leadership trainings, you will be familiar with one phrase:
"Hire for attitude, train for competence."
And while that may be true for the corporate world because it opens up space for development in an otherwise very tight and narrow framework of boxes, hiearchies and labels, it is NOT true for relationships. And by relationships I mean any romantic, friendly or professional efforts to team up with someone. It is especially NOT relevant when we're talking about romantic endeavors.
There are five common "mistakes" aka (r)evolution areas I see in relationships:
Not innerstanding how attraction is not love and will often rather guide you to a lesson or masterclass in inner work and relationship work, and not to your desired soulmate.
Not innerstanding that you always attract what you currently ARE, and not what you wish for.
Not daring to manifest and express clearly what it is you truly desire and where your boundaries are. You can desire any experience your soul is craving, just make sure you don't feel you "need" that experience, because you will be manifesting it from a place of lack and you will get more lack instead of the desired outcome.
Not sticking to your value-based terms and conditions, instead violating your boundaries because you either think you're not worth your truest desire, believing it doesn't exist and therefore settling for the smaller and safer option, and not daring to establish and continuously express your boundaries and values.
Investing in potential because you're either the Rescuer in the drama triangle and get your value from trying to fix what you can't fix. Let's be clear: You can't fix another person, because they're ultimately 100% responsible for themselves and their (r)evolution. So are you. Also, from a spiritual perspective, it's a law that you mustn't fix another person because it ultimately means you're disrespecting and violating their soul path.
The only thing you can "fix" is yourself by (r)evolutionizing yourself, innerstanding what you truly desire, creating clear value-based terms and conditions and boundaries for yourself to manifest your desires consciously, and do the inner work to become conscious of the fact that the most important relationship will always be the one with yourself. (R)evolutionize and heal that first. Get clarity. Fall in love with yourself. Have a vision and a mission. Give without expectation. Be curious. Be better. Feel better. Do better. Think better. Magnetize your most authentic desires better. And the rest will eventually fall into place.
Remember: This very moment creates the next moment and eventually your life. That is why you can only deal with what you currently perceive, how you currently think, feel, and act. That is creating reality and making each moment matter. That is NOT investing in potential, which is nothing but a desired but unlikely future state. Create here and now, your attraction point will always be this very moment and how you magnetize it with all frequencies related to your desired outcome. Not some vision about the future. The best way to destroy your future is by focusing on the future, and not this very moment.
That's why we invest in the NOW, and not in potential.